Submission Link

POSTERS present results of ongoing or recently completed work in 3D web research and application in any of the conference topics. The poster format offers the opportunity to interactively present and discuss interesting results to the Web3D community. Posters should be submitted in the form of abstracts, which after acceptance will be published in the conference proceedings. The abstract should be a concise description of the main idea, its findings, and next steps. The abstract should include supportive data, and a brief discussion of the most relevant related work from the literature and state where the presented work extends.

Posters must be formatted using the document templates for conferences (see instructions for authors, use the sigconf template). Posters should have no more than 2 pages. Accepted posters will be included in the ACM Digital Library

To submit a poster use the Web3D 2020 EasyChair Page( Questions about posters can be sent to